
Friday, December 28, 2012

Robin Hood Foundation Grants for Hurricane Sandy in 2012: Millions Disbursed

Robin Hood Foundation Grants for Hurricane Sandy in 2012: Millions Disbursed (select this link to see a list of grantees)

The Robin Hood Foundation, founded in the 1990s as an antipoverty organization in New York City, made an immense commitment to Hurricane Sandy recovery in Brooklyn and throughout the city. Their name became almost a household word with the "12-12-12" blockbuster concert in December 2012 that sought to raise millions in recovery funds. But even before then, the foundation committed dozens of sizable grants from $25,000 up to $80,000 for dozens of nonprofit groups working in Brooklyn, based in Brooklyn, or who extended some services to storm victims and storm-battered communities in Brooklyn.
One concern with nonprofits and foundations is the question of how much money goes to overhead, and how much to actually helping the cause in question. One of the major features of the Robin Hood Foundation is that as a matter of policy, their deep-pocketed board of directors pays all administrative and fundraising costs. So, a hundred percent of all donations go directly to program, not overhead.

The list, provided by the Robin Hood Foundation, identifies the first "wave" of Hurricane Sandy relief and recovery funding in Brooklyn in 2012, during which $2,370,000 was granted to the organizations below for storm related work.

That period of time, during Thanksgiving and in the ramp-up to Christmas, was particularly poignant.(Read Thanksgiving 2012: Gratitude but Also Grief.

Robin Hood Foundation Grantees for Hurricane Sandy, Through Dec. 15, 2012

(The list does not include recipients of funds raised during the 12-12-12 concert.
Also, all descriptions of the projects listed below are based on information provided directly by the Robin Hood Foundation.)

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